Found: 154 Result(s)

156 KS Phone Net Fri 17:30:00 80 LSB 3.920 0.00
157 QKS CW Traffic Net Fri 19:00:00 80 CW 3.547 0.00
158 DG Co 10M Net Fri 19:00:00 10 USB 28.475 0.00
159 NEKCARC CW Net Fri 19:30:00 10 CW 28.125 0.00
160 KC Veterans Net Fri 20:00:00 .75 FM 443.500 151.40
161 KS CW Traffic Net Fri 22:00:00 80 CW 3.547 0.00
162 Independence ARC Breakfast - Winsteads Sat 06:30:00 2 FM 147.090 0.00
163 Beryl?s Breakfast Sat 07:00:00 2 FM 146.820 0.00
164 Southside ARC Breakfast - Bill & Deb?s Sat 07:00:00 2 FM 147.120 0.00
166 Lake of the Ozarks ARC Camdenton, MO Sat 09:00:00 2 FM 146.730 0.00
